Xavier Alexander


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Our Son
All about me/Updates

What is happen in the world of lil Xavier

Jan. 15 - It's my Birthday and I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to.  *Mom is a fan of the Oldies, you know Old School. ~laugh~
March 8 - On my way home from the airport with Mom & Dad.
Things have been busy since coming home!  We've gone to resturants, went for groceries and many visits to Gram and Gramp M's.
March 23 - There was a shower for little ole me this morning.  Thanks everyone for coming out!
March 21 - Visited Grammie M. at work and those ladies 
couldn't keep their hands out of my curls.  Where Grammie works at the hospital, we couldn't resist the scales to see how much I've grown.  I am now up to 11 lbs. 7 oz.
March 26 - I met my doctor for the first time while getting the nasty two month shots.  I am now 12 lbs. 4 oz.  22 inches long and everything is right on target. 
April 8 - I've slept through the last two nights in a row! 
April 18 - I'm a big boy now and have been sleeping through the night since April 6!  I can get my thumb in my mouth now and love to wiggle around when laying down -  Spinning & moving around in all directions.
May, May, May - All kinds of great things have happened this month.
I had that four month needle.  And I took it like a man I might add!  Not a tear was had.  Welllll, Mom might have let one fall.  She has a hard time with those kinds of things.
I love having something to smack on.  Those tall people finally started me on solid foods - rice cereal, strawberries (Yum Yum), blueberries (Ok, but could use some sweetner), bananas (Oh yeah babe) and prunes (ok, ok, I had a little trouble doing the duty one wk.).  Instead of that white stuff in the bottle, those people tried to slip me some juice!?!  I growled at the idea at first, but now that I've tried it - I'll give the apple juice another try, or maybe two.  Don't even think about pear juice or that nasty, nasty prune mixture!! 
Stretching my strong leg muscles in the Jolly Jumper (I still freak the dog out with it for some reason), smashing and pounding in the Exersaucer and moving my little Gym all around the joint - those are my favorite things!
This month marked my Dedication at church.  Mom and Dad were so proud and happy.  Parker, she was just as excited for me.  Speaking of Parker, she isn't all that bad you know.  For a girl.  She loves being with me.  It wont be long and I'll know know to read those books that she keeps showing me.  And all those songs she sings -- whoooaaa!  She tires me out yet still gets a smile out of me. 
June 3 - My 1st hair cut!  Yes, Mom took at me.  And like usual, I was Mr. Placid.  It wasn't that bad and looks rather sharp!  She says we'll grow it back out as the bald spot in the back and the one on the side (I admit, I like pulling it) grows back in.  The roots of those big soft curls, WELLLL, the texture under those - not the same kind of hair.  Everyone tells me how handsome and of course, how cute I am.  I think Dad likes that I am not mistaken for a  G I R L any longer.   It's like this, attention is attention in my book.  It didn't matter if they thought I was a G I R L or not.  I know I'm the man!
June 16 - Happy Father's Day to my Dad!  And a very Special Thank You to my bfather.   Mom and Dad are so thankful that they gave me the gift of life. 
June 18 - Good Bye formula!  I am now on goats milk and love it.  Mom & Dad are happy that I spit less!  I have solids - wheat cereal and a fruit twice a day. 
June 20 - My 2nd hair cut.  Mom went a bit shorter this time.  My curls are gone!  My bald spots were not filling in with the rest of my hair.  Hopefully this will do it.  Mom can't wait to do the little locs!
My first parade!  We all loaded in the van and went to Dad's hometown for the Canada Day festivities.  A great fun filled day was had by all. 
July 13 - Another road trip!  I think Mom and Dad are trying to see how I will travel on the long drive to Ontario next month! 
We spent the afternoon at a lake with a wonderful couple and their two little boys.  Their baby, he just came home from Georgia three weeks ago!  He's a couple months older than me.  What a handsome guy he is!  And so active - I've been motivated to get moving!
July 15 - I'm six months old today!  Still no teeth or crawling yet but I've advanced to real food.  You know, the kind everyone else eats!  I sit in the booster seat and eat just about everything put infront of me.  That green broccoli stuff - I don't really know about it but it's growing on me. 
My hair is growing so fast.  Just a few weeks ago, I didn't have any curls!  The bald spot in the back is filling in as well.  Mom is so impressed! 
Aug. - This has been a busy month.  I have travelled to Quebec and Ontario as well as around New Brunswick.  Gotta love summer vacation!
I am now on cows milk and doing really well.  Going from formula to Goats milk was great - got rid of gas troubles but came with a bit of the spitties where it is richer.   When ever my family is eating - I try to let them know that I would love to try some as well but Mom reminds me that I'm still just a little guy yet. 
I am sitting up on my own - do toppler over once in awhile when I forget what I'm doing.  I love unfastening my diaper - summer heat has arrived so I'm usually sporting a handsome diaper to stay cool. 
Aug. 9 - My first trip to the Zoo and I enjoyed looking at EVERYTHING.   I also swam in a big pool with Parker and Mom for the first time.  I loved it!  Mom & Dad laughed at how I kicked my legs and enjoyed splashing myself.  I floated around in an inflatable boat thingy that Mom put my in.  I liked splashing her as well!
Aug. 21 - I have mastered the walker.  I love that thing!!  I have easy access to the plants and that dog fellow now :o)  My wheels are real quiet so I have managed to sneak up on him a time or two. 
Aug. 30 - My 3rd Hair Cut.  Mom cut my hair tonight.  I don't mind!  She keeps talking about a bald spot in the back!?!  Haven't a clue what she is making references to but keep hearing what a bugger it is!
Sept. 8 - I handed out my 1st kiss today.  During church I leaned over and gave Mom a big kiss! 
Sept. 11 - I now have a vocabulary:
DADA - this one is my favorite
Nov. 5 - Busy, busy, busy is my middle name.  I'm having a ball ramming into things with my walker, climbing, crawling and walking around things.  I've figured out how to pull myself out of the walker and on to the furniture ;o) 
I've learned to make some faces, clap my hands and say "YEEEE".  STILL not a tooth in my head but that isn't slowing down the eating thing .. I can manage to eat just about anything.
Waving bye, dancing and trying to sing are new skills.