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Weblog of Our Adoption Adventure
Journal Oct. '01

Our adventure...

Oct. 1st -
The social worker called tonight wanting to get together. Tara hasn't been feeling well so we had to say that wouldn't work.

Tara has been having a hard time with her cycles but with alot of assistance from her doc and a couple months of trying to "straighten" things out, her health is back on track. We hope it stays there. We are doing everything to avoid a hysterectomy at this young age. We tried medication, then a D&C, more medication via IVs. So far so good. The D&C showed something was "off/abnormal" so we'll wait to see the Gyn. It's nice to know that there is something causing all the trouble, ironically.

We are anxious for the homestudy approval to finally, actually happen. When looking at the logs and seeing this started in May ... that's discouraging. BUT, will be so worth it in the end!

The approval meeting is suppose to be the 18th of this month, Oct. We can then send everything off to the agency and wait. Looking forward to the waiting aspect. It will eventually happen.

Oct. 16th -
Met with our social worker this afternoon. We went over the homestudy draft, chatted, asked questions and did a little reviewing. Not to mention, paying the fine lady. It was much better than we expected($1058.00).

Oct. 18th(Thursday)5:30PM -
Our social worker called to let us know we have been approved. YAHOOOOOOO! She initially said she would call around noon .... SO, we began wondering if the meeting had actually taken place or if we may have been denied for some reason. It really feels good! One stage behind us. Tara was on her way out to have her hair done, the full "girl" treatment. She really needed a little boost after being out of commission for awhile. It was money well spent and couldn't have been better with the good news. Parker and Paul stayed home together, celebrating with Birthday cake and Parkers special supper of hotdogs. We are so relieved, excited/thrilled/anxious .. did we mention excited. This will happen one day. We can't wait to be matched, have everything work out and meet that special little someone!

Oct. 20th(Sat.) -
Tara and the girls went shopping(Presque-Isle, Maine) for the afternoon. Renee, Mom and Parker picked out the paper for our Birthmother Letter and Profile as well the suggested(agency) folders for the Life Books.

We went over, and over the letter and profile. That was harder than we had thought! It was hard to be "just us" yet connect with the birthmom without all the mushy overkill yet being original. The final copy has been printed out and we're sticking to it. Now, to gather our photos and lay them out for the Lifebooks(10).

Throughout this Journal, we have listed the costs involved. This was not done because it is a major focus on "concern" of ours or that we are cheap, rather to give others in New Brunswick and idea of the steps and $$$ involved along the way. Unfortunately, when it comes right down to it, money is a factor in many adoptions. Everything we have paid for is a necessary service for the adoption and that is how we view it.