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Weblog of Our Adoption Adventure
Journal June - Sept. '02
June & July are quiet as far as the adoption front.   We are all enjoying the summer.  We have also celebrated birthdays for Mom & Dad plus their anniversary.
Aug. 21 - Tara phoned our social worker to see about setting up our 2nd post placement visit.  It is set for Aug. 29.  We will then be able to finalize in Sept. 
Aug. 27 - Paul spoke with our lawyer about what is required for the finalization:
Xavier's birth certificate
Original home study
Notarized copies of our marriage & birth certificates
Both post placement reports
Consent of Minister - forms 16 & 18
Tara called and left a message Betty at The Open Door to ask on how to proceed next since we do not have Xavier's birth certificate.
Aug. 28 - Dominique from The Open Door called.  They have yet to receive the first post placement report.  They had contacted NB about it a couple months ago and still haven't received anything.  Does this sound typical of our province?  If you've followed our journey - you know that answer ;o)
Tara called our social worker to touch base on what the lawyer said was required as well as to let her know that The Open Door has yet to receive the first post placement report.  We cancelled the meeting for tomorrow and have rescheduled for Sept. 12.   The social worker will check on the where-abouts of our report (everything has to be shuffled thru a head else where in this Province).   We know it's been done - where along the trip to Georgia did it stop moving is the question???
We have also talked of adopting again.  Once Xavier's adoption is finalized we'll go for it.  In the mean time we are doing some "looking around" and staying up to date.
Sept. 9, Monday - Xavier has been home for six months!
Sept. 10 - The social workers are on strike - I doubt the meeting for the 12th will be happening.  We'll wait to hear from our worker.  In the mean time, we'll continue to check the news for a settlement.