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Weblog of Our Adoption Adventure
Journal Feb. '02

Our son, Xavier has been born and waiting to come home...

Our little Preemie Prince will hopefully be home by Easter.

One of the first pictures we received of Xavier:

Our SOn

Feb. 2, Saturday:

Due to the weather, we were unable to meet with the social worker yesterday. We are very disappointed but will try again for Monday.

We will begin painting the nursery today.

Feb. 4, Monday:

The social worker called this morning. She has received all the info. on Xavier and was looking at his cute photos. Can't wait to actually have those! We will go to Woodstock late in the afternoon (after work) to sign the papers, give him his name and make everything official. We have a son!!!

We met with the new and friendly social worker @4:00. She just began three weeks ago and is due to have her baby at the end of this month. So much for the idea of having her do the three post placement reports/visits. We were amazed at the quantity of info. we received! WOW! The papers have been signed, Xavier Alexander English is our son!!! YAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It feels so incredible and real. A paper from the agency stated the projected placement date at Feb. 2002. Wouldn't that be awesome! Way better than our hopes of having him home by Easter! I'll cut back on the exclamation points a bit ~laugh~.

We also received an email from the agency who have been waiting to hear the official word. She wanted to call the Canadian Consulate's office and get the Canadian Medical form sent to her if we had chosen to accept this little one as our own. They are right on top of things. Kudos to Betty!

Feb. 5, Tuesday:

Parker has been pre registered for school. She's to little!

My friend Cindy called to let me know what she had for baby things. We'll get Xaviers crib, exersaucer, swing, car seat and clothes from her. Thanks Cindy!!! Can't wait to have his room complete so we can set it up.

Everyone involved finally knows that we want and have accepted and named Xavier. I think they know how excited we are as well! It is official.

Tara also called the bank this morning to see about adding to the loan and beginning the payments. We will sign those papers later today.

Feb. 7, Thursday:

Yesterdays mail had papers that needed to be signed from the agency which had been forwarded on from Fredicton. One page required notarization so off to the lawyer we went today. The papers and adoption fee including the escort fee were couriered today. Hopefully that is the end of running around. Two trips to Woodstock this week and all this time off work ... we're getting tired but it will be so worth it in the end!

Xaviers room was painted last night! For a couple of amateurs, it doesn't look to shabby. We picked out the light fixture and a dinosaur light switch today ~laugh~. We're getting into the boy things! While shopping with Park for some new clothes (she has grown so much lately!) we purchased the first item for Xavier. I can't remember the exact name of it but it's a snugli/bunting bag type thing that goes in the infant car seat with the matching head hugger. Really cute! Can you tell we have been out of the "baby" scene for awhile. Poor lil man will arrive in Maine and not have a clue what all this cold air is! I'm sure he isn't use to being bundled up and protected from the cold!

Feb. 8, Friday:

We received the Immigration Sponsorship approval today! Now, the province will write up the letter of non objection and Xaviers immigratant visa is under way! Three to four weeks and hopefully our lil' man will be home :o) HOPEFULLY!

Feb. 9, Saturday:

Our paper work is in the process.

We spoke with the Caring Home today! Our lil' man is now 7lbs and 10oz! He's really growing! He is a real sweetie and easy going, smiling all the time and mostly in his sleep. Everything was great at his two week check up. He is eating every 3-4 hours, roughly 3-4 oz. a feeding. Patrice took some pictures today and will send them via email as soon as they are ready. She said that he is the easiest baby they have cared for and that they will really miss him when he comes home. We hope he is a good listener as Parker talks non stop - all day long and in her sleep. ~laugh~ She has great plans for when he is finally home!!!

We have requested Patrices address from the agency. We would love to send her flowers/gift on Valentines Day. We will never be able to thank her enough for the loving care our son has received these first few weeks.

Feb. 14, Thursday:

Happy Valentines Day!

Forms for Xavier's Immigrant Visa application came this week so we have faxed them as well as couriered to The Open Door.

Paul did some calling around last night to verify that the forms we received were correct. They don't apply to our situation at all but he was told they are correct and are required. We weren't sure if us or The Open Door were to fill them out so he called Betty to be sure.

The crib set arrived yesterday. Tara will get the crib and goodies next week. It'll be so nice to have the room all set up.

Betty emailed this evening. Our son will be home this month! The only "paperwork" remaining is his passport (seven - ten days) and the Canadian Medical form to be filled out. In the meantime, his Visa application will be processed.

Feb. 15, Friday:

We received five new pictures of Xavier this morning! We have created a page just for him:

Feb. 18, Monday:

So much is happening! Our son will hopefully be home or preparing to travel by this time next week!

The last of the "paper chase" was initiated on Friday. We have emailed with Patrice at the Caring Home a couple times over the weekend. It is incredible learning about our little fellow.

Over the weekend we purchased a few more things:

Outer wear and hat (Parker picked out)
An outfit
Heating for his room
Molding for his room

This evening I will be getting the crib, diaper genie, swing, clothes etc. This seems like such a crazy time! All we can think about his Xavier. SOOOO excited about having him home and making sure we are prepared. We'll pick up the formula, diapers and goodies at the end of the week.
Feb. 21, Thursday:
Xavier had his Canadian Medical done today.  He is very healthy of course and topped the scales @ 9lbs 5oz.  He's growing!  Included in the update was a bit more on him.  He is very cuddly, loves to be held and is a good burper ~laugh~.   He's beginning to get chubby and has tons of curly hair.  He is starting to look at faces more and is still eating every three - four hours.
He could come home any day now.  We can't wait for that call!  The passport could be processed by tomorrow.  His Visa was sent for this week as well and should be processed in the mean time. 
His room is almost ready!  The closet door is missing yet!  Tara can't wait to set up the crib and set.  All of his clothes and goodies have been washed and sorted.  We still need to take his dresser out of the box and move it upstairs. 
Parker is so anxious.  I hope I don't have to eat my words as I told her Xavier will be home in a week.  She has begun the countdown. 
We are ready, they can send him up North any time now.
Feb. 24, Saturday:
Tara called the agency yesterday to see how things are going.  Betty was busy working on us at the time of the call and unable to speak.  We're anxious to hear if it actually is a possiblity for Xavier to come home this coming week.  Hopefully Betty will call on Monday.  Maybe she'll say "Ok, be in Bangor Tuesday".  Wishful thinking but, we can hope. 
The crib and the dresser is full.  His room is ready as are we.  It is hard waiting now!
Feb. 25, Monday:
Betty from the agency just called (12:15PM).  Xavier will be home by Thursday - Friday!!!!
She received his Passport this morning and will fax it to Robin at the Canadian Consultate.  She will contact Joan (the Provicial Coordinator) to let her know everything is in the works.  The Air Line Ambassadors will be contacted to see when the flight can be arranged and then we are set!  Betty will get back to us via email with the flight number and details as well as the escorts name.
We can't wait to know the exact day and time!
Feb. 27, Wed:
We are so disappointed!  There has been a hold up.  Before Xavier's VISA can be released, Canadian Health Services has demanded he be tested for HIV.  The birthmothers negative test was not good enough.  The baby has to be tested.
His blood was drawn yesterday and had to be sent away.  It'll be three days before we have the results to send for approval to the Canadian Consulate.  At such a time, the VISA will then be sent to the agency and his flight arranged.  We were SOOOO looking forward to his homecoming tomorrow. 
When the time does come, Tara's mother will be going with us to take a ton of pictures.
Feb. 28, Thursday:
Xavier was suppose to be home today :o(  
Tara spoke with Betty and we are planning on Monday, March 4.  Hopefully everything is together by then.  If not, I think we'll crack!!!